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Grants & Scholarship Application

The Oklahoma Geological Foundation provides several earth science education grant and scholarships. Support is available to teachers, schools and students. To apply, please complete the form below.

Applicant Information

Mailing Address(Required)

Grant Details

Max. file size: 50 MB.

Terms & Agreements

  • Terms: The Applicant/Organization agree to provide the Foundation with a detailed, summary report on the use of the funds provided by this Grant. The report shall indicate such items as, but shall not be limited to, how the funds were expended, whether or not all funds of the Grant were spent, and if the intended purposes of the Grant were met and achieved.  
    The Applicant/Organization shall also provide to the Foundation digital photographs on how the Grant was used in an effort to benefit Earth Science education. In doing so, the Applicant/Organization grant the Foundation specific permission to release any or all information on the Grant to the public and to use any materials provided by the Applicant/Organization in any of its marketing materials. The Applicant/Organization agree to dedicate grant products exclusively to Earth Science education. If this Grant Application is requesting funds for computer hardware and software, the OGF may request that the Applicant/Organization install and/or access certain applications and/or curriculum.
  • Funds: By submitting this Grant Request Application, you are acknowledging that the Oklahoma Geological Foundation is exempt from taxation under the Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(3) and is further classified as a public charity under Section 509(a)(1). Therefore, any funds not specifically utilized for the purposes specified in this Grant Request Application must be returned to the Oklahoma Geological Foundation, P.O. Box 7565, Edmond, OK 73083-7565.
  • Reporting Requirements: By submitting this Grant Request Application, the Applicant/Organization is verifying that you or your Organization can provide financial reports and outcome measurements.  The Applicant/Organization may be required to provide a detailed financial accounting of all funds granted together with the respective outcome measurements.  Furthermore, the report(s) shall contain a minimum level of detail to satisfy the questions and concerns of the Foundation.
    If accepted by the Foundation, the Grant funds will be used solely for the purposes stated in the Grant Description/Use of Proceeds section of this Grant Request Application. The Oklahoma Geological Foundation reserves the right to deny, suspend and/or request a repayment of any funds utilized beyond the stated purposes of this Grant Request Application.  This Grant Request Application completely states the entire agreement by and between the Parties and supersedes all previous understandings or agreements. Any modification to this Grant Request Application must be in writing and signed by both Parties.
  • OTHER TERMS: The Applicant/Organization agrees to provide the Foundation with a detailed summary report on the use of the funds provided by this Grant.  The report shall indicate such items as, but not limited to, (a) how the funds were expended, (b) whether all funds of the Grant were spent, and (c) if the intended purpose(s) of the Grant were met and achieved.
    The Applicant/Organization shall provide to the Foundation, digital photographs showing how the Grant was used to benefit Earth Science education.  In doing so, the Applicant/Organization grants the Foundation specific permission to release any or all information on the Grant to the public and to use any materials provided by the Applicant/Organization in any of the Foundation’s marketing materials.  The Applicant/Organization agrees to dedicate Grant products exclusively to Earth Science education.  If this Grant application is requesting funding for computer hardware and/or software, the Oklahoma Geological Foundation may request that the Applicant/Organization installs or accesses certain applications and/or curriculum.
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