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Bring science to life for Oklahoma students

This program enhances Earth science education by donating a permanent, on-site collection of museum-quality rocks, minerals, and fossils to schools across Oklahoma. The collections empower teachers to bring science to life for their students with actual rocks, minerals, and fossils that can be used as part of their science lessons.

The Rock, Mineral, and Fossil Collection video library provides video resources for each of the rocks, minerals, or fossils included in the collection donated to schools. It’s a great way for students and teachers to learn more as they explore the collection in the classroom, and the video resources are available to anyone who wants to learn more about rocks, minerals, or fossils.

We've come a long ways... and still have some work to do!

The map shown here shows the collections that have been given to schools. We are actively looking for donors to help us fulfill the many requested collections!

Has Collection

Program impact 

Help us continue to bring science to life for Oklahoma students by sponsoring a full Rock, Mineral & Fossil collection or making a donation of any size support the effort. 

Program history

The program began in April 2015 when the Oklahoma Geological Foundation and Larry Lunardi, a volunteer instructor at several middle schools in central Oklahoma, established the program to supplement his middle school Earth science teaching model. 

The total cost for one collection is between $750 and $1,000, and volunteers from the Foundation purchase supplies to create these collections at two industry shows each year. 

Get an up-close look at a collection:

Want to bring science to life in your classroom? 

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