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Financial support for students and teachers in Oklahoma

The Oklahoma Geological Foundation provides multiple Earth science education grants and scholarships each year to support teachers, schools, and students in Oklahoma. 

While we recognize the value of all areas of STEM education, our grants and scholarships focus heavily on geoscience and Earth science education. The Foundation works to encourage and financially support:

In 2024, we awarded $145,225 in grants, scholarships, and other awards.

Grant process for teachers/schools

Our grant programs for teachers and schools help fund a wide range of educational opportunities, including everything from classroom technology to field trips and continuing education for teachers. All of our grant programs take applications on a rolling basis, so please submit your application at any time. We recognize award recipients at our annual Awards Banquet each year in the spring, but funds may be awarded prior to that event.

Grant & scholarship process for students 

All university-level grant and scholarship applications are handled through the college or university. Check with your department or the online grant/scholarship portal for your university for more information about funding opportunities for undergraduate and graduate studies, including field camp grants. 

See past grant and scholarship recipients in our Annual Reports.

Available awards

These awards are made possible by generous donations from our supporters throughout the Foundation’s history. 

Primary education awards

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

To provide St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Lower School (SEAS) with technology to allow students to study Earth Science.

To develop a partnership with SEAS to create Earth Science programs that will attract the brightest and most talented students to Earth Science studies.

To provide funds to SEAS that will be used to support interest, enthusiasm, awareness, and participation in the field of Earth Science among Lower School science teachers and students in grades 1 through 6.

To disseminate and make available to teachers and students at SEAS new and innovative programs and technologies.

Secondary education awards

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows: 

To foster interest in the Earth Science studies in the Middle and High Schools in Guthrie Oklahoma through innovative teaching techniques.

To provide the Guthrie school system with the technology to allow students to discover in depth the basic ideas of Earth Science, which can include Geology, Meteorology, Hydrogeology, Oceanography, Seismology, and Volcanology studies.

To disseminate and make available to teachers and students in Guthrie, new and innovative programs and technologies, which includes teacher enrichment workshops to prepare and educate teachers on how to introduce and educate students to Earth Science education.

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

To provide ongoing financial support to the Oklahoma City Geological Society as it relates to furthering Earth Science education and Geology for the students, teachers, and schools in Oklahoma.

To provide ongoing financial support for Earth Science programs being taught in elementary and secondary schools. The emphasis of the support will be on the purchase of supplemental teaching materials to existing programs as well as the purchase of textbooks and lab materials when new programs are initiated.

To develop partnerships with schools and universities that have libraries and support their efforts to purchase Earth Science and Geology textbooks and materials that will attract the brightest and most talented students to these studies.

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

Since 1994 the Oklahoma Geological Foundation has been a major supporter of Earth Science education and STEM education in Oklahoma. The Foundation is focused on both K-12 and University level scholarships and grants in support of Oklahoma’s science teachers and students. The Foundation established the STEM Outreach Program, with the purpose of the Program being: 

To provide funds that will be used to stimulate and reward excellence in pre-college and college Earth Science studies, with emphasis on lower, middle school and high school students and science teachers (grades K – 12).

To disseminate and make available to teachers and students throughout Oklahoma new and innovative programs and technologies and to recognize these students, teachers and schools as they implement new and innovative programs and technologies.

To further expand the Foundation’s Earth Science-related teacher educational programs, the creation and distribution of the Rock, Mineral, and Fossil Kits, existing public education events such as teacher and student awards, and other educational events.

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

To provide funds to enhance the existing Foundation awards, scholarships and grants given to students, teachers, and schools at Elementary, Middle, and High School grade levels with a special emphasis to those unable to acquire funding for various reasons.

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

To provide funds that will be used to stimulate and reward excellence in pre-college Earth Science studies; more specifically, middle and high school students and science teachers (grades 6 through 12).

To disseminate and make available to teachers and students throughout Oklahoma new and innovative programs and technologies and to recognize these students, teachers and schools as they implement new and innovative programs and technologies.

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

To provide funds to enhance, stimulate and reward science teachers and students in pre-college Earth Science studies, more specifically, Middle School and High School (grades 6 through 12).  

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

Annual, distributable proceeds of the Program will be used to assist and support teachers and students (K – 12) in Earth Science programs, and projects and to encourage excellence in Earth Science studies, especially in geology. 

Higher education awards

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:     

To provide funds to assist undergraduate or graduate students at Oklahoma State University to further their education to complete B.S., M.S., or PhD. degrees in Geology.

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

To fund grants that will supplement field camp costs for students from the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, and the University of Tulsa who attend summer field camp. The intent of the Program is to facilitate every student from these three universities who want to attend Summer Field camp and needs financial help to attend the camps.

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

To provide undergraduate students from Oklahoma financial support to attend geologic summer field camp. 

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

To provide yearly grants-in-aid to college – level women to encourage them to pursue careers in science, particularly Geology.

Awards for all levels and for community organizations

The Purpose & History of the Fund shall be as follows:

Since April 2015, the Donor and the Foundation have sought to expand the Foundation’s Earth Science related teacher and student educational programs with the creation and distribution of a Rock, Mineral, and Fossil Collection (“Collection”) to K-12 Schools throughout Oklahoma, with focus on middle school teachers and students. 

The Collection has been extremely popular, and well received by both the teachers and students. The Donor and the Foundation wish to expand the distribution of the Collection, and to ensure that permanent funds will be available to ultimately have the Collection in every K-12 classroom in Oklahoma. The Fund was established to accomplish the goal of a wider and broader distribution of the Collection.

The initial contributions were used to fund the ongoing creation and distribution of the Collection, and to attract other donors to support the Program.

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

To fund pre-college awards programs for students and schools to encourage excellence in study of Earth Science, particularly Geology. The Program has been expanded to include funding for college level awards for students who major in Geology.

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

To establish educational scholarships for those certain Native American students who desire to further their studies in the Earth Science curricula.

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

To provide financial support for the Oklahoma Geological Foundation’s Lecture Series. Through the Lecture Series, distinguished lecturers with national and international acclaim will discuss and disseminate timely geologic information on current exploration plays and topics of high common interest within the geosciences at the Oklahoma Geological Foundation’s functions. Additionally, the Lecture Series will support Foundation workshops.

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows:

To provide schools with the necessary technology that will allow students to study the sciences of Geology and Earth Science. 

To develop partnerships with schools and universities to create Earth Science programs that will attract the brightest and most talented students.

To provide ongoing guidance in building strategic, financial partnerships with the oil and gas industry to bring additional resources to Oklahoma’s educational institutions. 

To disseminate and make available to teachers and students throughout Oklahoma new and innovative programs and technologies.

The Purpose of the Fund shall be as follows: 

To provide the funding necessary to assist and help undergraduate or graduate students pursue a degree in Geology at the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University.

To provide Elementary and High School Earth Science teachers grants and ongoing support to assist them with the establishment of new and innovative Earth Science programs and technologies in their classrooms, as well as enhancement of their existing programs.

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