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Rock, Mineral & Fossil Collection Request

The Oklahoma Geological Foundation works to enhance earth science education by donating permanent, on-site collection of museum quality rocks, minerals, and fossils to schools throughout Oklahoma. These collections allow teachers the ability to instruct Earth Science with actual rocks, minerals, and fossils.

To request a Rock, Mineral and Fossil Collection, please complete the form below. You can also download the Collection Request Form as a Word Document to print, complete and mail to the Foundation. 

Mailing Address(Required)

About Your Request

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Terms & Agreements

  • The Applicant/Organization agree to provide the Foundation with a detailed, summary report on the use of the collection provided. The report shall indicate such items as, but shall not be limited to, how the collection was used and if the intended purposes of the collection were met and achieved.
  • The Applicant/Organization shall also provide to the Foundation digital photographs on how the collection was used in an effort to benefit Earth Science education. In doing so, the Applicant/Organization grant the Foundation specific permission to release any or all information on the collection to the public and to use any materials provided by the Applicant/Organization in any of its marketing materials. The Applicant/Organization agree to dedicate the collection exclusively to Earth Science education.
  • If accepted by the Foundation, the collection will be used solely for the purposes stated in the Description/Use of Collection section of this Collection Request Application.  The Oklahoma Geological Foundation reserves the right to deny or ask for the return of the Collection if it is not being utilized in a manner stated in this Application.  This Application completely states the entire agreement by and between the Parties and supersedes all previous understandings or agreements. Any modification to this Application must be in writing and signed by both Parties.
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