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Holiday Reception

The Petroleum Club Event Center 4040 N Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Thanking donors and friends of the FoundationOur annual holiday reception is an opportunity to say “thank you” to our donors, supporters, and volunteers. Without their contributions of time, money, and visibility, the work we do would not be possible.About the eventEach December since 2004, we have invited our donors, supporters, and volunteers to a holiday […]


Rocks & Swing Fore STEM

Top Golf 13313 Pawnee Dr,, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Rocks & Swing Fore STEM is the newest event of Oklahoma Geological Foundation. We started this in 2019 as a family-friendly fundraiser to support the Foundation and the work we do in science education. This year will be our 7th annual Rocks & Swing FORE STEM. The fun & excitement will happen on August 21st, […]

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